I am very glad the blanks and thanks have decided to behave better (Read More)
Wisden's has at last come and I sat far into last night with him (Read More)
I am so sorry you have been having trouble is and made unhappy by them (Read More)
I am glad hot water bottle promises to settle down into a useful career (Read More)
Avaunt. This is addressed to myself for not having thanked you (Read More)
Yes, rather, I went to see The Left Hander (Read More)
Wisden's has arrived and was received with 21 guns (Read More)
Bluebells still nodding fragrantly on my table (Read More)
I could have warned you against trying to dig up rose trees (Read More)
16 or 17th suits me equally for your arrival. Am oiling of the draughts. (Read More)